The snow and ice disappeared very quickly in our area but the aftermath of the Easterly winds will take longer.
A lot of sunshine and calm blue seas with hundreds of sea birds bobbing about tells one story, but one look at the beaches tells another! The dunes of the Warren have taken another battering and all along the beaches is debris of all sorts, very interesting if you like a bit of beachcombing. Initially there was the odd sight of a lot of shellfish washed up on the beaches: shells that would usually be found empty now complete with occupants. Lots of wood of all description including one enormous tree trunk along the Warren that it is difficult to imagine where it came from.
Of course it is the railway line that grabs the headlines but it is the sight of some of beach huts turned to matchsticks at Coryton Cove that is a sad sight. A week on the cove is closed and the sea wall adjacent to Marine Parade is under repair. The sand that swept under the railway bridges is being gradually removed. Keep your heads down!