Happy Holidays

We have had some lovely warm days over the last week and we are into the beginning of the summer holiday period now for many families. All of our local visitor attractions will be putting on special events and activities for the next few weeks, and we have lifeguards on the beach here at the Warren. There is a multitude of options come rain or shine and we hope everyone has a safe & happy time visiting our lovely area.

Here are a few pics taken from the top of Red Rock earlier this week, and some of Sandays too.

More Classic Cars to come at the weekend

After a huge gathering at Powderham over this last weekend, there is more to come in Dawlish on Sunday 21st.

Dawlish Celebrates Carnival is staging a classic car show on the Lawns 10 am – 4pm on Sunday which will no doubt have much to admire.

After next weekend we will be into the main school holiday period when everywhere will be a bit busier and the Carnival itself will be from 10th to 16th August. We don’t have any availability here at Sandays during that week, but there is a double room available from Monday 19th August. Please enquire via the website if you are interested.

The pics are of Exeter Quay and just a general one of how lush the vegetation is locally this year. Exeter Quay was looking lovely in the sunshine on Thursday evening and we were back on Sunday for Jazz on the Quay. Flowers, sunshine, great music, happy vibe generally on the Quay: perfect!

June on the Warren

The Warren is looking lush and beautiful at the moment. The rainfall earlier in the year followed by a bit of warmth at last seems to be fuelling enormous growth in the grasses and wild flowers are abundant.

It’s also the time of year when school groups are many and various: plenty of wildlife to look for!

Music and Memories

Lovely evening in Dawlish in honour of D Day 80.

Exmouth Town Band did a marvellous job with many well known numbers from the forties and this was followed by a piper and lighting of a beacon.

Devon and the south west generally were among the training places for troops in the run up to D Day and events during the day in Dawlish would have been echoed in many other places locally.

June Availability

The nights of15th/16th/17th June are available in our front double room (a Father’s Day treat?? there will be lots of events around the area) and the nights of                      27th/28th/29th June in our downstairs twin.

The best means of contact is always via the enquiry form or an email.

The Summer Season has begun

This week sees school half-term and the beginning of the summer season. Dawlish Warren beach has retained its Blue Flag status and all the open air pools and paddling pools around the region have opened for the summer season. There are Lifeguards on the beaches and lots of people around. Fingers crossed for plenty of warm sunshine!

Toby’s Garden Festival: another triumph!

Toby Buckland’s Garden Festival has been held at Powderham Castle over the last couple of days and once again was an absolute delight. Everything growing related seemed to be there somewhere in the lovely grounds of the castle. Well organised, brilliant speakers, inspirational, everything you want from a garden festival and a fun day out. I was far too occupied to be taking photos but here a few.

Big Wheel open for business

The big wheel has been built over the last few days and opened to the public today for the Bank Holiday weekend. It costs £6 per adult, £20 for a family of 4.

I haven’t yet tried it out but I think it will probably be views OF the wheel rather than views FROM the wheel that people will remember the most because it is visible from almost everywhere. The size & scale is incredible compared to everything around it so it is like it has been photo-shopped into every view. From every route in, whether you are calling at the supermarket, on the beach, on the sea wall, on the Warren, having a drink, whatever; this is now dominates your view.

Will be interesting to see whether it’s a white elephant or a money maker. as the season goes on.

Big Wheel coming to the Warren

Next Monday (22nd April) will see the beginning of the Big Wheel which is going to be installed on the grassy area of beach walk. It will arrive in sections small enough to be transported under the railway bridge and is scheduled to be ready for action by the following week, in time for the next bank holiday weekend.

Do we need a big wheel at the Warren? Personally I don’t think so but no doubt there will be an initial flurry of interest. It has permission for 6 months and usually they are removed in October in any case ahead of the winter weather. For a number of years there has been a wheel at Exmouth, and one at Torquay, quite expensive to ride.

Will provide some photos in due course , perhaps of our own back garden seen from above!!