Devon Walks

Enjoy Devon walks during your holiday in Dawlish Warren

For some of our visitors at Sandays walking is the sole purpose of the holiday and they are usually heading off around the Exe Estuary or onto the coastal path. For many of you however it is just a part of your holiday to do a bit of walking each day, or perhaps to dedicate a day to something a bit longer. There are many lovely possibilities for Devon walks and we are mentioning just a few of them here.

Walking on Dawlish Warren

There is nothing closer to Sandays B&B or more stunning than a walk around the Warren itself. The Warren is a sandspit that stretches for one and a half miles across the estuary and makes for a wonderful circular walk of around 3 miles.

A surprising variety of terrain and wildlife, and the most fantastic views in all directions makes this walk a real pleasure. There is a bird hide and also a Nature Reserve Centre (check opening times), making this walk a favourite for bird watchers. Read more about bird watching at the Dawlish Warren Nature Reserve.

Devon Town Trails

Devon welcomes visitors in all sorts of ways and one of them is to provide a lot of information and suggestions about how best to enjoy the towns as well as the open spaces. In Exeter there is a daily schedule of free guided walks: the “Red Coat Guided Tours”, these are highly recommended.

Most other towns have maps and town trails and many hours can be enjoyed strolling with a purpose to spot all the places of interest. Whilst learning more about the town there might be time to explore a market, participate in local festivals or simply partake in some local food & drink.


Southwest Coastal Path

The southwest coastal path covers 115 miles in South Devon alone, coinciding along the way with parts of the Templar Way and the Exe Estuary trail. Parts of the route can be very strenuous and most people do small sections at a time. Many of the documented leisure walks for the area are where a section of the coastal path has been used as part of the creation of a circular walk. These are usually designed to take in some of the loveliest views and can be no longer than 3 to 4 miles. We have quite a selection of maps & walk books at Sandays and may be able to help you sort out a route. The South West Coast path itself is well waymarked.

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Haldon Forest: 3,500 acres of woodland fun

Haldon Forest is a magical place about 20 minutes drive from Sandays, close to Exeter Racecourse. There are 4 well marked walking trails including the Discovery Trail, a multi-use, all-ability trail with traditional and natural play features, and the Sensory Trail at Mamhead has been specially designed to stimulate the senses of visitors of all abilities. We like the Raptor trail because it loops close to the wonderful Belvedere Tower and we take a detour to enjoy the views.

Read more about Haldon Forest