We opened for the 2020 season a week ago, on 31st January, and – despite the time of year – have enjoyed the company of guests all week. We are also enjoying hearing from some of our regular guests who are making bookings for later on in the year: thank you!
Bird cruises, National Trust events, art exhibitions, are just some of the things happening around here at the moment, and a good week weather-wise has meant some wonderful sunrises and sunsets and good times for cyclists and walkers. As we head towards Valentine’s Day there are a host of offers and special events for the day itself and indeed the whole weekend. What could be better than some time by the sea?We are fully booked on the Saturday night but have some availability on the 13th, 14th, and 16th if you can be tempted away!
We have a bit of wild weather forecast for tomorrow as we catch some of storm Ciara but mild days have accelerated the signs that Spring is well on the way, and the pansy baskets will be going up in a couple of days.